Bledsoe family reunion, Nantahala Village
Bryson City, NC, July 1-6, 2001

Pool fun...

Some people just radiate dignity and machismo, don't they?

And some spend their days gazing
dreamily at those who do

I'm really something, aren't I?

How many many feet you meet

Lewis & Clark?

A common mistake!
But it's just Terry and Dave leading their raft through the rapids
(with considerable help from Katie and Shirley and that guide in the back)

a horse,
and the "girl of a million questions"

Don't let their expressions fool you...
Moments after this photo was taken, Emily and Michael attacked the photographer before embarking on a rampage that nearly destroyed 112 acres of the Nantahala National Forest

Grrrl Power I

Grrrl Power II:
The women selflessly take a break
from Running the Show to pose for pictures

Ice cream break...

"If you give me yours, in three years, your wish will come true."

"GREAT idea. That's exactly what I was thinking. You go first."

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
in fact we had the time of our life