Slippin' Into Winter


It was a nice Thanksgiving, except that Barbie got into the wine (top left photo below), and then there was just no stoppin' her. She turned up at the Rochester bus station the next day, an oversize icepack on her head.
BarbieHead1.jpg (24K) BarbieHead2.jpg (29K) BarbieHead3.jpg (23K) BarbieHead4.jpg (24K) BarbieHead5.jpg (23K) BarbieHead6.jpg (9K)

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Dad has had too much to eat, too much to drink,
and is rapidly falling asleep, but hero worship can be blind

Getting ready for Christmas

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MegBeforeConcert.jpg (25K)
(above): Mikey waits (and waits) his turn to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas; Meghan before a Christmas concert.

(right): Mikey starts to realize that Santa knows if he's been naughty or nice, and ponders the ramifications.
MikeyDesk.jpg (25K)

(Other family photos are up one level)