October Fun

Zoo Trip

With a little assistance from a cooperative turtle, Meghan finds a way to come out on top of her sister

Mikey tried and tried to ask directions from this penguin, but they just couldn't communicate and he finally gave up in frustration
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School Fall Fun Fair

MegCat.jpg (26K) Meghan and her girl scout troop did face
painting, starting with themselves

Seeing Emily and Michael under control at long last, we offered to buy the contraption they were in,
but came up a bit short of the 75,000 tickets the guy was asking for it...
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...but after seeing them painting, we seriously thought about buying some more tickets

Pop Warner Cheerleading Championship

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Morgan and Emily compare hair knobs - and missing teeth - at the hair curling party the night before the championship

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Before the competition: what are the reasons Katie tipples?
Let us count the ways...
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After her team had performed - no, it wasn't a nail biter; they did great!

Late October and Halloween!

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The kids kindly indulge their geeky father's request to feign fright at a Halloween teepee
and are rewarded with doughnuts for their efforts

A wise man once said "Many hands make light work."
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Katie more recently said, "That wise man never had to try raking leaves with Mikey in 35 degree weather."

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By day, Bob the Builder and Emily the Rock Star parade around their school yard...

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...Add enough layers of clothing to withstand a western New York Halloween, and Blob the Builder, Cass Elliot, and a hula dancer are ready for a night of trick or treating!

(Other family photos are up one level)