April Fools!

What a wonderful idea: a month that starts with a day commemorating the youngest three members of our household. If only they'd confine their foolishness to that one day a year...

Tikki Tikki Tembo-No Sa Rembo-Chari Bari Ruchi-Pip Peri Pembo

Mikey's kindergarten class presented this Chinese folk tale of a boy with a long name who falls down a well.

Mikey's teacher, with a keen eye for both talent and noisy kids, gave him a nonspeaking role in which he played the cymbals, sometimes even at the right time.

The kids had as much fun putting on the show as we did watching it. The show program listed each student's favorite and least favorite parts. Mikey, like many, liked "crashing the cymbals" (oh joy). His least favorite part, like that of most of the young actors, was "standing." One kid's least favorite part was "sweating." Look for this talented troupe coming to a dinner theater near you (don't let them sweat in your food though), or perhaps to the 2027 Tony Awards.

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This was taken at a party at her school...
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...but it's always Cinco de Mayo in the world of Emily!

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Meghan's great report card set us back
the cost of dinner and a babysitter
(It was worth it)

...and the month goes on...

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Meghan and Katie went to the zoo... while Emily belongs IN a zoo

The Easter Bunny Express

The day before Easter, we took a train ride with the Easter Bunny, something most people can't say they've done since the 60s. The oompa-loompas in the third photo were the only thing marring the scenery - they ate several slices of pizza before the one-hour ride, then on the train used their fat wad of bills to buy a bagel, a danish, two bags of Cheetoes, a bag of cheese goldfish, and perhaps a caribou or two.

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And finally, Easter...

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(Other family photos are up one level)