poodleL.gif (2K)

Sock Hop

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Meghan and Emily kind of looked a bit like Olivia Newton-John in Grease...

KidsOnLawn.jpg (33K)
 ... Mikey did not look a bit like John Travolta in Grease

Two hours of music and fun and lots of kids...

crowd1.jpg (31K) crowd2.jpg (30K)

The kids danced...

EmAndMike.jpg (30K) MikeAndMeg.jpg (36K)

Meghan had some fun...

Locomotion.jpg (34K) MegVirginia1.jpg (29K)

... and Mikey loaded his Pie Hole

Piehole1.jpg (37K)

Of course, Emily had fun!

EmAvecFriends.jpg (34K)

Meghan danced and danced!

Locomotion2.jpg (30K) VirginiaMeg1.jpg (31K)

...and Mikey loaded his Pie Hole

Piehole2.jpg (35K)

Emily goes on a surfin' safari...

EmSurfin.jpg (32K)

Could it be? YES! YES! Mikey has dance fever too!!!

MikeTeacher1.jpg (30K) MikeTeacher.jpg (31K)

Okay, maybe it's not dance fever... maybe he's just a lady's man

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And the fun continues...

EmEyeball.jpg (26K) VirginiaMeg2.jpg (32K)

... but doggonnit (poodlegonnit?), Mikey's just gonna keep loading his pie hole...

Piehole3.jpg (32K)

(Other family photos are up one level)