Katie's 20th reunion at St. Bonaventure

What could possibly be more fun than seeing some really good friends and reliving some of the best days of your lives ("I've loved these days," as the song went)? Very little, except maybe when a lot of those good people are ones you've not seen in ten or twenty years or more. Or when you wind up making some new friends along the way.

In a whirlwind of less than 48 hours, we did two cocktail parties (naturally), two dinners, and many hours of laughs and reminiscences. We also learned that the Bonaventure alma mater is sung to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree" or "Maryland my Maryland." That probably just added to the fun!

Friday Cocktail Party and Dinner

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Katie with Linda and Sherrie

Can anything come between two old roommates?

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Maybe, but the idea of it being Dave cracks these two up!

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Gang of four

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With Dave Szymanski

Roommates for three years at Bonaventure...

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...friends for life

Alumni relations, Bona's style

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Joe Flanagan, SBU Director of Alumni Services, shows two clever techniques for increasing loyalty among alumni

Saturday lunch and banquet

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It rained most of Saturday, so we spent close to five hours
in the dining hall - a little eating, a lot of catching up!

Then after a couple downpours, some sightseeing,
and of course a bar trip, we gathered at the Reilly
Center for the reunion banquet.

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After we claimed this table - and all the free wine on it -
no one else really wanted to sit with us

Everyone looked their best!

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Bill and Sherrie

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Katie and Dave

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Mike and Catherine

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Linda and Cathy

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Sherrie with Liza, who kept our table laughing
by making wax sculptures and several amusing comments
during the evening's speeches

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Intent on making a good impression, Catherine concentrates
on memorizing the lyrics to "Bonas, My Bonas"

Executive Decision Making In Action!

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Dave Szymanski and Mike try to figure out whether to go to the Skeller or The Burton afterwards...
... and upon learning that the Skeller is closed, proudly announce their decision!

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Front: Cathy, Katie, Catherine, Liza, Sherrie, Linda
Rear: Dave, Mike, Dave, Bill

The Morning After

No, Maureen McGovern wasn't there, and no ships hit any icebergs... but as you can see from the faces, Sunday morning wasn't Very Pretty. Hope we see each other again soon - certainly sooner than another 20 years!

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And we'll escape the darkness... we won't be searching anyMOORRRREEE...

(Other family photos are up one level)