
Despite our family vacation and many of the most looked-forward-to activities being over, we crammed a lot of fun into the month. Meghan went to Camp Wyomoco and had a sleepover birthday party with her friends. Mikey went to Bob the Builder Day. Emily started cheerleading.

Meghan at Camp

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Meghan and Virginia arriving at camp (left) and
with counselors Laetetia and Emily on the last day there

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Meghan in the camp show

Bob the Builder Day

02MikeyCominAtcha.jpg (30K)We surprised Mikey with a trip to "Bob the Builder Day" at a local park. This event featured lots of construction equipment, which Mikey loved (photo left). Note the dandelion, which he later presented to Bob, probably the first flower or weed the famous builder has ever received. Also think hard about how you'd react if you saw the sight in the photo. It would probably be the last thing you'd be seeing, on Planet Earth anyway.

It also featured lots of kids honking, REALLY LOUDLY, on the horns of the big trucks. Mikey didn't like that very much.

And of course, Mikey got to meet Bob the Builder. He loved that!


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Killing two birds with one stone
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Meghan's Party

She has a good group of friends...
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but yes, they really do make that much noise

Kelly's party

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Emily Cheerleading - preseason pep rally

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This football stuff is SO CONFUSING!!!

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Yeah, but I've got the cheering NAILED!!!

(Other family photos are up one level)