Emily's 2003 cheerleading

2003TeamPic.jpg (32K) In a wonderful season that started in extreme heat in Webster, and that ended prematurely in cold and rain - the weather at the last game was so bad that the cheerleaders were sent home before it started - we took more than 700 pictures (can you say "get a life?").

We took time to select the "best of the best" pictures from the season (no, really... can you say "get a life?"). Enjoy.

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Game 1 - at Webster, 9/7

1FaceTattoo.jpg (35K)
Her Raider Pride is showing

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Watching the action

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Now THAT is an X jump!

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Game 2 - at Chili, 9/14

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Time for some sideline chitchat...

2Coaches.jpg (27K)
And the coaches keep coaching...

2CoachesBalloons.jpg (28K)
... which is why they're always under the watchful eyes of the coaches!

2PumpItUp.jpg (27K)
Pump it up, yo-hey, yo-hey!

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Game 3 - home vs. Ogden Orange, 9/21

3KatieMikey.jpg (29K)
Katie and Mikey: Their Raider Pride is showing

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With his coach behind him and the cheerleaders
REALLY behind him, he's off for a touchdown!

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We got it - togeth-ah...

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Game 5 - home vs. Irondequoit, 10/5

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Giving Grandpa a pregame hug

4WithMikeyEtAl.jpg (27K)
Cheerleaders dig guys in cheerleader jackets!

4Awesome.jpg (35K)

4PumpItUp.jpg (32K)
Say what, say what, say what, say what...

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Game 6 - final home game, vs. Ogden Black, 10/12

5SayWhat.jpg (30K)
Three guesses what cheer?

5TeamPhoto.jpg (44K)
Despite the cuteness of the kids...

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...the parents were pretty apathetic when
given a chance for a final team photo

5Flowers.jpg (37K)
Emily, with a flower that the coach's son bypassed
four other girls to give to her, is starry-eyed...
Her fellow cheerleaders aren't so sure though about
the flower/candy exchange with the football team

(Other family photos are up one level)