Early Spring with the Kids

Peter and the Wolf

Emily played a "medium hunter" - never did find any crystal balls though, just a wolf...

1HuntingParty (30K)

1EmHunting (25K)
The hunting party looks for the wolf (left)
and tracks their prey! (above)

1FamilyWatching (22K)
The family watches intently as the spectacle unfolds onstage

1DontMess (21K)
Gotcha now, you infernal wolf!

1CastPhoto (33K)
Cast photo

Sock Hop

2Swirl (25K) The kids put on their dancing shoes and poodle skirts (figuratively in Mikey's case) for the annual sock hop at their elementary school.

2MikeyExplaining (22K)
Mikey doing some 'splainin' after grabbing
food from the concession stand and walking
away with it

2EmEm (21K)
They'd just learned that the
DJ would play their request

2EmHavingFun (30K)
Emily and her friends were front and center. All. Night. Long.

2MikeyMrsL (32K) 2MikeyHokeyPokey (32K)
Mikey maintained a "generation-schmeneration" approach to picking dance partners!

Mikey's Cub Scout Blue and Gold

This was a really moving event. It began with a ceremony in which the scouts got their awards for the year that had finished, then moved up to the next level. Later, after a meal, we watched a slide show that moved Dave enough that the next day he signed Mikey (and himself) up for Cub Scout Adventure Camp in the summer (stay tuned!).

3MikeyAwards (23K)
Mikey and his awards

3Den5 (32K)
Mikey's den and their leader

3Neckerchiefs (22K)
The Tiger Cubs get their Bobcat/Wolf neckerchiefs

3HiMom (27K)
"Hi Mom!"

3Meghan (21K)
Even Meghan enjoyed the ceremony

(Other family photos are up one level)