A Wonderful Play & Opening Day

Jack and the Beanstalk

"I was born to perform," mused Emily a few days before her elementary school play. Who are we to argue?

1JackCast (23K)
Emily, front and center, of course, with the play cast

1EmBeforeShow (25K)
With some friends before the show
When Katie was surprised that Dave didn't recognize them, he pointed out that they don't typically wear green makeup when they're visiting

1FromSide (27K)
The cook chorus, getting its two cents in

1EmTray (24K)
"Mr Giant, yoo hoo, we've cooked some food for you..."

1MakingNoise (34K)
With the directors after the play...
making lots of noise, of course

Little League Opening Day

Seven years to the month after being hospitalized for "failure to thrive," our li'l slugger took to the diamond for his first Little League Opening Day. Hey, after all he's been through, we're betting that his game will come around too. Probably in another seven years...

2DaveMike (46K)
"The boys" before the game

2PutMeInCoach (43K)
Put me in Coach!
I'm ready to play today!

3KatieWatching (27K)
Mom, watching the action
(notice the white knuckles)

3MikeyBasics (37K)
Back to basics with Coach Barker

Mikey's first at-bat

4FirstAB1 (36K)

4FirstAB2 (38K)

4FirstAB3 (40K)

Other scenes from the game

4DaveCatching (37K)
Dave caught while Mikey's team batted. Due to old age, he stopped squatting after one inning

5CmonCoach (38K)
"C'mon coach, seriously..."

6Dave (29K)
Dave, thinking of some Casey Stengel quotes

6TeeFriend (38K)
"Mikey, the tee is your friend!"

(Other family photos are up one level)