July Stuff - Ianni reunion

The annual reunion of Dave's mother's side of the family (below), along with going to Seabreeze and Niagara Falls with Katie's brother and his family

1-2EmMike (28K)
Horseplay, Mikey's favorite pasttime after eating

1-2LouTom (27K)
Lou and Tom catch up

1-2MegGrace (39K)
Meghan and Grace and some tetherball

1-1DaveTomWave (26K)
Tom and Dave and their requisite annual posed photo


Katie showed off her new slimmer form, along with some frightening intensity, in a "friendly" volleyball game, with everyone having lots of fun in the end.

1-3KTKarenSharon (45K)
"How about a little friendly volleyball?"

1-3KTServing (43K)
Katie, showing excellent form in serving

1-3EmVolleyball (39K)
Emily, stylin' and in fine form (she was actually just throwing the ball over the net)

1-3IntenseKT (27K)
Katie, leaving Kelly and Dave wondering if they Really Know Her

1-3KTKarenLaughing (38K)
After losing yet another point, Katie and Karen come to realize that maybe this IS supposed to be fun...

1-3Postgame (31K)
Catching their breaths after a game

Other July stuff: with Tom and Cathy at Seabreeze . . . and Niagara Falls

(Other family photos are up one level)