The annual reunion of Dave's mother's side of the family (below), along with going to Seabreeze and Niagara Falls with Katie's brother and his family
Horseplay, Mikey's favorite pasttime after eating
Lou and Tom catch up
Meghan and Grace and some tetherball
Tom and Dave and their requisite annual posed photo
Katie showed off her new slimmer form, along with some frightening intensity, in a "friendly" volleyball game, with everyone having lots of fun in the end.
"How about a little friendly volleyball?"
Katie, showing excellent form in serving
Emily, stylin' and in fine form (she was actually just throwing the ball over the net)
Katie, leaving Kelly and Dave wondering if they Really Know Her
After losing yet another point, Katie and Karen come to realize that maybe this IS supposed to be fun...
Catching their breaths after a game
Other July stuff: with Tom and Cathy at Seabreeze . . . and Niagara Falls
(Other family photos are up one level)