A Camping We Will Go

Dave wasn't fortunate enough to break a leg or get malaria quickly enough, so he and Mikey spent the first three days of August at Cub Scout Adventure Camp. They had a great time!

First day

1SwimTest (23K)
Dave, displaying (very) bad form, on the way to (barely) passing his swim test

1Croquet (38K)
Croquet? Hockey? Golf? These enterprising boys combined elements of all three

1Salute (33K)
Mikey at Sunday evening flag ceremony

1MikeyPeeking (27K)
"Peek a boo, I see you!"

1MessyMike (30K)
The other tables have long emptied, his face hasn't been clean for 45 minutes... but Mike just keeps eating

1Moose (38K)
A boy and his moose

Second Day

2FlagRaising (43K) 2MikeyCarryFlag (43K)
A trying morning for Old Glory:
Mikey helps raise the flag over our village (left), then is, gulp, entrusted to carry the camp flag

2WastedMike (26K)
"This is your Mike on drugs"
Actually, he was just fading a bit after our long hot morning nature walk

2Boating (35K)
Blind Lead the Blind, Pt. 1:
Dave confidently "mans" the oars, before giving up and having to be towed back to the dock by a teenage girl in a canoe

3KatieSitting (27K) It takes a smooth operator... but somehow Mikey scores anyway (right)

3KatieWalking (38K)

3Goggles (28K)
"Glasses make me look smarter, right?"

3Slingshot (29K)
Mikey and a slingshot make Dave wonder if our liability insurance bill has been paid

3Archery (31K)
Blind Lead the Blind, Pt. 2:
Dave helps Mike figure out archery,
or maybe the other way around

3Tunic (27K)
"Sir Mike-a-lot" in his knight's tunic

4NatureWalk (43K)
A good walk unspoiled:
At the top of the mountain overlooking Naples

Third Day

5Signing (31K)
Mikey "helps" his buddy Counselor Colin sign the certificates

5Chatting (31K)
Chatting up Colin and the boating counselor

(Other family photos are up one level)