Everyone's lives just got busier when fall hit:
The Good Lord works in strange and mysterious ways (TM). Although we were already convinced of that by the existence of Mikey, He really outdid Himself by making Dave the leader for Mikey's Cub Scout den. That Savior, what a pip!
Dave and Mikey before the first meeting of the year
Mikey receives a bagful of awards for his activities over the summer
His retinue of Cub Scouts, including the ever-inquisitive Mikey, has WOKR meterologist Glenn Johnson mulling a career change
The season got off to a rousing start with a wonderful preseason pep rally (first picture below), but then bogged down in cold weather and declining interest from some of the girls. Not for Em though - what's a fall without cheerleading?
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Em
Mutual admiration society meeting
"Brrr! It's cold in here..."
Something has Emily overcome with Joy here
Mikey, giving his all to his pumpkin
Some podiatrist is about to get lucky, as Mikey maneuvers a loaded pumpkin wagon through a crowd of people
Meghan enjoys a wagon ride through a "foggy, spooky" forest
Emily, in costume, as a children's book character
Mikey, in character (alter ego), as a wizard
On a nature walk with Mikey's scout den
Yes, they really do eat out of your hands
Katie with Meghan after her confirmation
(Other family photos are up one level)