Early May

Featuring the start of another Little League season, and Mike's First Communion...

1EmMike (27K)
Em and Mike prove that, through it all, they really DO like each other

2MegLindsTrack (43K)
Meghan warms up with her friend Lindsey before a track meet, then later lets fly with the discus!
2MegDisc (37K)

Before his first little league game of the year, Mike takes some friendly advice from his teammate Dom, then later makes his own contribution to the team's 29-8 losing effort by coming within a good foot of actually hitting the ball

3MikeDom (33K) 3MikeTee (27K)

The Crucifixion, The Reformation, all those things, were a mere warmup for May 7, when Mike actually, somehow, without any money changing hands, made his first communion...

4CalvinatedMike (34K)
A poised Mike, looking every bit like "Calvin" from Calvin and Hobbes, before the ceremony
4MIkeFaces (24K)
Pretty much nothing says "closer than ever before to God" like making faces with another kid right after the ceremony

4MikeKT (30K)
The church's newest communicant (go figure) shares the moment with Mom (above) and the whole family (below) 4WholeFamily (55K)

The Mothers' Day Miracle

After Michael's Nuggets team displayed baseball skills reminiscent of the 1962 Mets in their first two games, losing 29-8 and 31-11, Mike promised his Mom that for their third game, on Mothers' Day, he'd give her a win. Dave thought that a mansion in Pound Ridge might have been easier to come by and more practical. Yet somehow, the team gelled, played great, never gave up, and emerged with a 19-19 tie.

Yes, sometimes a tie can be a win.

5EmStool (26K)
Scorekeeper Em (note the stool - she'd strained her arms at the previous game trying to reach the board) with the home Nuggets first lead of the season

5EmScore (28K)
Numbers, in this case a 19-19 tie, can be beautiful!

6MegMeal (31K)
Meghan with the meal she made and served to the family for her Home and Careers class

(Other family photos are up one level)