Fall 2005

We probably did more than just go to Pop Warner football games - it just didn't seem that way!

1DaveMikePopcorn (44K)
October 1: Dave, Mike, a wagonload of popcorn -
and a whole lot of selling to do
1EmFFF (24K)
Emily promotes "Bad Dental Health Month" at her school's fall fun fair
1KTMeg (21K)
Meghan, before her Homecoming dance, with Katie


What would fall be like without cheerleading? What would Sundays be like without spending seemingly half the day watching 9-year-olds playing football, while either sweating madly or freezing badly (and NEVER anything in between)? Ah, 'tis to wonder...

2EmYell (33K)
Go team go!

2EmBump (27K)
Push 'em back, push 'em back!
Way, way, way back!
2EmHugsKT (37K)
Warming up a very cold and rainy day
2EmTournament (40K)
Emily and friends before the state cheer tournament in Syracuse
They lost - sparing us a weekend in Trenton for the regional tournament
(Not making it up: when the picture was taken, they were swaying back and forth, singing "We are the Champions")
2WelcomeCheer (46K)
No game started without Emily calling - LOUDLY - for the "Welcome" cheer

2KidsHalloween (28K)
Halloween finds Emily dressed as Satan, Prince of Darkness - the devil, old Beezelbaub, Lucifer Himself...

(More frighteningly, Mike dressed as a fighter pilot)

Emily celebrated her tenth birthday with presents, of course, and an impromptu concert, as only Emily could do.

3EmGifts (26K) Happy birthday to me!

3EmConcert (34K)
Everybody sing!!!! ... uh, anyone?

4MegDance (16K)
Meghan and her date for the school's Winter Dance

(Other family photos are up one level)