Party with the Pikes, 80s Style!

Gamma Tau reunion, Mohnton and Lancaster, PA

June 9 & 10, 2000

Al McLiverty:
I'm so damn lost...
Where the hell is Mohnton, PA???

Dave George:  Getting there was half the fun!

Breakfast for Dave and Geoff Lewis
courtesy of Team DeFeo
Eye strain for everybody courtesy of Chev Eldrid

Mike DeFeo, Marie DeFeo, Paul Bailey
Stoy on grill
The tent MADE the party


Geoff Lewis can't believe John Nies came to the party.
Herb can't believe Phredd knows how to grow lawns on rooftops.



Stoy, Moe, Vince - the brains of the operation:
Twelve hours of festering behind them...
Fighting Cock shots still to come...
Does it get any better than that?


Little Chevy & friend & sports page:
The making of a Yankee hater?

Sunday breakfast
(L to R): Anna DeFeo, Bobbi Eldrid, Little & Big Chev, Mike DeFeo, Paul Bailey,
Geoff Lewis, Paul Degitz, Dave George



No, just getting started.
Condo, Al, Herb, Stick, Phredd
Halloween 1982