Christmas (that's what matters most in December, right?)

(Or go see our earlier photos from the month)

Santa Visit

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The Man With the Bag probably got a massive kick out of having his beard pulled

Early Christmas with Dave's family

We got together with Dave's Dad, aunt, and uncle at Sharon's house a few days before Christmas

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Meghan and Emily released each other's
throats long enough to smile

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Jeff's tripod was almost as cool as the family portrait it allowed us to take

Christmas Eve

The best part of Christmas Eve is of course the wine and brie and quiet music we have together after the kids are in bed. But these moments were a close second.

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The kids get ready for bed; Mikey eyes that plate of treats meant for Santa...


The kids' (Mikey's especially) excitement over December 25 was rivaled only by our excitement that it would now be at least another three weeks before we'd have to again start answering the question "HOW MANY MORE DAYS????"

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Meghan wrote Mikey a story that held his attention...
until he remembered all the trucks he got!

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Dave made Katie a CD of music that was
popular when she was in college

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(Also see our earlier photos from December)

(Other family photos are up one level)