Sometimes the camera gets along with us the way Joe Frazier gets along with Muhammad Ali.
But, hey, sometimes it works okay. Here are some of our family snapshots.

Please note that most of our photos since 2005 are located here.

2005 Photos

Our 2005 Christmas newsletter
Fall - Pop Warner, and whatever else we could fit in
Late Summer - Camping (us???) and other stuff
Early Summer - Featuring Mike's Little League season and other goodies
DC trip and Memorial Day - Meghan's class trip to Washington, and a fun Memorial Day weekend
Early May - None of these are typos: Meghan ran track ... Mike made his First Communion ... Mike's baseball team broke their losing streak ... Meghan cooked a meal
Winter and Spring - A picture here, a picture there, during the early part of the year

2004 Photos

Christmas - (You know, the filler between Winter Solstice and Kwanzaa)
November Stuff - Primarily Thanksgiving
Our 2004 Christmas newsletter
Fall Stuff - Cub Scouts, Pop Warner cheerleading, Halloween, more
Goodbye Summer - Various ways we closed out our summer, highlighted by a great ride on Rochester's doomed ferry
A Camping We Will Go - Mikey and his Dad go to Cub Scout Adventure Camp (8/04)
July Stuff - Like Dave's mother's family reunion and trips to Sea Breeze and Niagara Falls with Katie's brother's family
Late June - Especially Father's Day and Mikey's last Little League game this season
Early June - Meghan's unavoidably memorable party, other stuff
Various Stuff from May - The first bat mitzvah we'd ever attended, Mikey's school play, Girl Scout Camporee
A Wonderful Play & Opening Day - Or, what were Emily and Mikey focused on in late April/early May?
Arizona - Katie and the kids' trip to Arizona during Easter
Kids' Stuff - Early spring activities - school sock hop, Emily in Peter & the Wolf, Mikey's Cub Scout banquet
Winter - Three months' worth of this and that (including Pinewood Derby), all while waiting for spring

2003 Photos

December - Emily in the Nutcracker. Meghan's choir concert. And of course, Christmas!
Our 2003 Christmas newsletter
November - Meghan's play, Mikey's scout trip, Thanksgiving, ...
Emily's Party - At Premier Cheer in Rochester
Halloween - Don't click here and expect to see us celebrating St. Swithen's Day!
Emily's 2003 cheerleading - Another fall of laugh-filled Sundays with "Pump It Up" and "Who Rocks the House" and "Buffy" and "Alligator" and...
Late Summer & Early Fall - Meghan becomes a teenager (?!), homecoming parade, other fall fun
August - Featuring Meghan's trip to camp and birthday, Bob the Builder Day, and Emily cheerleading
Prudence Island - Our July vacation at Prudence Island, RI
July 4 - Another fun Independence Day at Sharon's
SBU Reunion - Katie attends her 20-year St. Bonaventure reunion (6/03)
May Daze - Emily's First Communion, Meghan's Scout Bridging Ceremony, Medieval Faire... Memorial Day
Sock Hop - Meghan danced. Emily had a blast. Mikey cavorted with older women and loaded his Pie Hole (5/03)
Jungle Book - Emily's school play, and other fun & frolics with our new camera (4/03)
April Fools - Yes, but they're OUR fools
April Ice Storm - April 3-5, 2003 - three days we're happy to have survived, but would just as soon forget
More From Toronto - Sept femmes à Toronto, partie deux
March Madness - featuring Katie's Toronto trip with her mother, sisters, and sisters-in-law
Winter - the Georges and their Little Darlings deal with a Long Cold Lonely Winter (1/03 and 2/03)

2002 Photos

Christmas 2002
Slippin' into winter - Thanksgiving, and getting ready for Christmas
Our 2002 Christmas newsletter
Emily's birthday - An ice skating party - many girls, much noise, much fun
October fun - The zoo, a school carnival, Halloween stuff
Emily cheerleading - Emily's fall 2002 Pop Warner football cheerleading
Meghan's birthday - ?eb ti dluow esle tahw, yadhtrib s'nahgeM s'ti, yltcaxe, seY
Summer Hodgepodge - Meghan's play, goodbye to Dudley, Kelly Day's birthday
Old friends - Various get-togethers with high school and college friends (Summer 2002)
Katie's parents visit - A smashing good time was had by all (7/02)
July 4 at Sharon's - Sharon and Jeff host a double extended family gathering
Mikey graduates from preschool - And a flying donkey lands on Satan, interrupting his skating lesson (6/02)
Spring 2002 - Girl's school sock hop, Mikey in Thomas Land, more!
Early 2002 - with Mikey's birthday and other happenings

2001 Photos

Christmas 2001
Our 2001 Christmas newsletter
Fall 2001 - Meghan's birthday, our anniversary, Halloween (uh, guess when)
Bledsoe reunion - 27 Bledsoes convene at Nantahala Village in NC (7/01)
Spring 2001 - That memorable winter of 1993 (4&5/01)
NES 10th - Dave's office's 10th anniversary party (1/01)

2000 Photos

Christmas - Christmas 2000 (12/00)
Our 2000 Christmas newsletter (12/00)
Pre Christmas - From late November and December (12/00)
Fall kids - Our children break form and pose for more pictures during pumpkin season (10/00)
Boston trip - Our family vacation in Boston (8/00)
Summer kids - Some pictures of our kids (7/00)
Pikes reunion - A get-together that some of Dave's college friends had (6/00)