Other July stuff: reunion with Dave's mother's family and visiting Sea Breeze with Katie's brother's family
Tom and Cathy had an evening wedding in Buffalo, so we spent the day in nearby Niagara Falls
Tom enjoys the sights from the Maid of the Mist, while another boat boards in the background
Mikey, unsure what to make of all that mist
The girls amused themselves making grass whistles
"Come hither," Katie's eyes said longingly, and Dave the photographer readily complied
Tom and Cathy enjoy the beautiful day
Emily, doing what she does best
Katie and Meghan in front, the Niagara River behind
Emily, Mikey
The American Falls from Goat Island
Other July stuff: reunion with Dave's mother's family and visiting Sea Breeze with Katie's brother's family
(Other family photos are up one level)