Other July stuff: reunion with Dave's mother's family and visiting Sea Breeze with Katie's brother's family

July Stuff - Niagara Falls visit

Tom and Cathy had an evening wedding in Buffalo, so we spent the day in nearby Niagara Falls

3-1TomMist (31K)
Tom enjoys the sights from the Maid of the Mist, while another boat boards in the background

3-1KTMikeMist (29K)
Mikey, unsure what to make of all that mist

3-2GirlsGrass (34K)
The girls amused themselves making grass whistles

3-2Katie (33K)
"Come hither," Katie's eyes said longingly, and Dave the photographer readily complied

3-2CathTom (30K)
Tom and Cathy enjoy the beautiful day

3-2LoudEm (46K)
Emily, doing what she does best

3-2KTMeg (29K)
Katie and Meghan in front, the Niagara River behind

"'noclars" and the kids who use them

3-3MikeyNoclars (22K)

3-3EmNoclars (21K)

3-3EmMikeyNoclars (24K)
Emily, Mikey

3-4FallsGoatIsland (53K)
The American Falls from Goat Island

Other July stuff: reunion with Dave's mother's family and visiting Sea Breeze with Katie's brother's family

(Other family photos are up one level)