Pinewood Derby 2004

Dave was not very happy with this at the outset. Being clumsy as all get-out, and having not worked with wood since the Carter administration, he probably would have happily given Mikey up for adoption, rather than work with him on a Pinewood Derby car.

But he came around.

Drilling the car

04DaveDrilling.jpg (27K) 04DaveMikeyCar.jpg (26K)
Dave drills holes in the car's bottom (left) and adds weight to the holes (right) as Mikey watches intently

The finished car

05FinishedCar.jpg (27K)

05MikeDaveCar.jpg (27K)
The guys (above) and their creation (left)

Race Night:

10Den5Cars.jpg (31K)
The cars from Michael's den:
What we lacked in style, we made up for in speed!

Den 5 Heats:

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The start and finish of the first of three heats Mikey was in (above)...
and his reaction to victory! (below)
08ThrillVictory.jpg (23K)

Den 5 Finals

09Den5Final.jpg (27K)

09Den5Finish.jpg (23K) 09Den5Results.jpg (19K)
Start of a Final for his Den (left); finish and final results above:
HE WON!!!!

09TheWinner.jpg (13K) 09TheVictors.jpg (25K)
Hail to the victors

Pack 273 Finals

11FinalsResults.jpg (21K) After winning three heats at the weigh-ins, six heats with his den, and the first final heat, Michael came in second in his other two final heats. Not bad though - look at the results!

11MichaelTrophy.jpg (32K)
For ME?

11FinalsWinners.jpg (40K)
Here's to the winners...
All of us... can... beeeeeee!!!!

Later that night...

12Sleeping.jpg (28K)
We put Michael's loot on his dresser and put him to bed.
Later that night, we looked in on him.
Guess he wanted to make sure the trophy was close by...

(Other family photos are up one level)