Prudence Island vacation

Part 4: Farewell

Other Prudence Island photos: Part 1 (Arrival & Settling In) ... Part 2 (A Day at the Beach) ... Part 3 (Nightfall)

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We had an early birthday cake for grandpa the night before we left

Parting is such sweet sorrow

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The island takes its parking VERY seriously

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A couple last moments of quality time

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Shirley realizes they don't have a camera...

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... so Terry dutifully goes in and buys one...

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... and dutifully gives it to her!

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Luke and Em miss Grandma and Grandpa already

4-172TomFerry.jpg (19K)

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Waving to Grandma and Grandpa (see red shirt at photo left)

4-177ShirleyTerryWave.jpg (27K)

4-180KTBye.jpg (21K)

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Their work done, Grandma and Grandpa leave to
prepare for the new arrivals that afternoon

Other Prudence Island photos: Part 1 (Arrival & Settling In) ... Part 2 (A Day at the Beach) ... Part 3 (Nightfall)

(Other family photos are up one level)