Prudence Island vacation

Part 1: Arrival & Settling In

Other Prudence Island photos: Part 2 (A Day at the Beach) ... Part 3 (Nightfall) ... Part 4 (Farewell)

The big girls wait for the ferry...
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...then enjoy the view

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The little kids enjoy the ride too

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The welcoming committee

Mikey and Em explore the shore

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1-040EmMikeyExplore.jpg (26K)

1-042EmByWater.jpg (26K)

Hanging around the red house

(left) Mikey, temporarily shamed
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(right) Grandma and Mikey, friends again

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...while Grandpa enjoys a good read on the porch

Other Prudence Island photos: Part 2 (A Day at the Beach) ... Part 3 (Nightfall) ... Part 4 (Farewell)

(Other family photos are up one level)